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(It means "peace be upon you.". It is used as a greeting within Muslim communities).

It's been a long looong time since the last time I post some writings in this page, so let me say
Hi, everyone!
How are you doing? I hope whoever you are who read this page doing great. Ehm... honestly, I have no idea how to start blogging again.....
Krik... krik... Don't know what should I write....
.... I suddenly realize that this blog has been created since 2009!! Whooa, but I don't think I used this properly LOL such a wasted 9 years. Hmm... then I will start from the highlight moments of my life, what have been happening since 4 years ago. Ok, let's flashback...

- Trip to Singapore (January), Bangkok (February), Hongkong (June) and Lombok (August).
- On December, I graduated from my college and got my Bachelor degree of Economics.
- On January, I start working as a banker in a foreign bank in Jakarta
- On December, I finally had my very first annual leave going to Thailand with family
- On February, I decided to hijra and have been wearing hijab since then. Alhamdulillah. Hope I can be always istiqamah and be a better and better person day by day..
- On May, I had my very first trip with hijab on to West Europe trip (France, Belgium, Netherland, Germany, Switzerland, Italy and Vatican).
- On November, I went to Belitong island. My first beach trip since I wear hijab.
- I got Letter of Acceptance from 3 universities in UK (Birmingham Uni, Glassgow Uni and Newcastle Uni) for continue my study then I fought for 2 scholarships but too bad, I failed.
- On November, I met autumn season for the very first time and also had my first solo trip to Japan.
- On December, I finally met winter season again after 19 years in South Korea. How I miss snow eventhough it was freaking cold yet I love it!
- On March, I was back to KL for the 3rd times. I don't know why I never get bored with this city especially for shopping LOL
- On October, I went to Vietnam and this trip was very full of drama! The most absurd trip I have ever had. A lot of weird, funny and drama moments happened to me and my friends there LOL.

Well, you see many "first" words above. Because there is always a first of everything so these are my first of this and that, etc. Until now, I've still been working as a banker (and also wanderer LOL). For some reasons, I quit from being a scholarship hunter world and finding my passion instead.
Passion... Ah! I just got an idea what to discuss in this page. Before start talking about passion, let's see below conversation between A and B first:

A: "Hi, what is your passion?"
B: "photography is definetely my passion."
A: "waw, what kind of photography do you like? what camera do you use? what... bla bla bla"
B: "no, I don't have any camera. I never capture a proper picture. I just like photography"

What do you think of from that conversation? Is it make sense to say something you have never done before becomes your passion? To me, you cannot decide something is your passion if you never touch and "dig" into it. If you want to find it, just do a lot of things, focus on what you are interested about and then you will meet something you are really passionate about.
Talking about mine. I have big interests in travel, fashion and photography. I have traveled a lot to more than 18 countries (some of them I have mentioned above). I have taken countless pictures not only just for hobby but also for professional need (wedding, engagement, prewedding, etc). For the fashion things, I like dressing well, wear a pair of cute shoes (especially sneakers) and nice bags. So, can I say these are my passion? 
Well, because I also love story telling and sharing good picture, then I decide to start blogging again and this page will focus on sharing my interests (travel, fashion and photography) and also about positive lifestyle. I will post throwback story of my past trips that I have mention above later, one by one. Hope all of my upcoming posts will entertain and be useful for anyone who visit this page and helpful for those who need an inspiration and information regarding these things as well.
Because a good writing can change the world positively, so I hope I can be the part of it.
So, what is your passion? Have you found it? Tell me!
Thank you for reading. See you again!

Note: you can't see anything beside this post because I have deleted all of my previous posts and want to start a new beginning. 


  1. gak mau ah kasih tau passionku. kepo bener lu

  2. Passionnya ada 3 biji ya tp sayangnya cuman 1 kan?

    1. sayangnya apa dulu nih? kalo sayang sama calon imam mah ya cuman 1 #eaea


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